Commemorating 10 Years Since Joep and Jacqueline’s Untimely Deaths

On this day 10 years ago, Malaysian Airlines flight #MH17 was struck down by a missile as it traversed over Donetsk, Ukraine. Two of our dear colleagues, Prof. Joep Lange, founder of AIGHD,  and Jacqueline van Tongeren, were on this flight as they headed to…

Joep Lange Chair and Fellows Symposium and Masterclass 2024

2024 marks a special year for our organization as we celebrate 15 years of AIGHD. This year is also dedicated to the memory of AIGHD’s founder Joep Lange, who tragically died ten years ago and yet, still continues to inspire us with his passion for…

Towards a Just Future in Global Health

This year, the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development will celebrate its 15th year of founding. This year also marks the 10th year of remembrance since the tragic loss of our founder, Prof. Joep Lange, and his partner, Jacqueline van Tongeren. With such a…

Today, we commemorate 10 years since the death of our founder, Prof. Joep Lange, and our colleague, Jacqueline van Tongeren. They were both passengers on flight #MH17 headed to AIDS 2014.
You can read more on our website:

#Global #Health #Joep #Lange #HIV

Very informative and fruitful conference focused on addressing the real world questions for ending tuberculosis @StopTB @EDCTP @EDCTP3 @Lung_Institute @IDIMakerere @Infection_StAnd @TBtrials_StAnd @aighd @NIMR_Tanzania @MinofHealthUG @WHO @UNITE4TB @PanACEA_II @NIMRMbeya

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We conduct collaborative, interdisciplinary research on urgent themes in global health and development: antimicrobial drug resistance, chronic care & aging, the economics of human development, health markets, infectious disease elimination, and urbanization & health.


We develop and inspire the next generation of global health leaders at undergraduate, post-graduate and professional levels to shape a healthier and more prosperous future for all.


We accelerate progress on global health and development objectives by sharing knowledge and insights with global agencies, governments, NGOs, and the scientific community.




Mobilizing social sciences against infectious threats.

3D illustration

RapidProfiling SARS-CoV-2

Rapid diagnostic profiling of SARS-COV-2 in the context of Persistent Immune Activation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Secondary tuberculosis in lungs and close-up view of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, 3D illustration


Evaluating a new stool-based QPCR for diagnosis of Tuberculosis in children and people living with HIV