06 Apr TB article in J of Infectious Diseases
Which New Diagnostics for Tuberculosis, and When?
In this article AIGHD reseachers Frank Cobelens and Susan van den Hof, together with authors of McGill University (Canada), the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (UK), the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, analyze the current process by which new diagnostics for tuberculosis are evaluated and recommended for use in tuberculosis control programs. They argue that more guidance is needed for such programs to make choices about whether, when and how to introduce new diagnostics for tuberculosis, and propose a staged process for evaluating new tests for their effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and impact on tuberculosis control.
Citation: Frank Cobelens, Susan van den Hof, Madhukar Pai, S. Bertel Squire, Andrew Ramsay, and Michael E. Kimerling (2012) Journal of Infectious Diseases. Advance Access published April 3, 2012. S1-S8 on behalf of the Evidence for Scale-up Group.
Link: Journal of Infectious Diseases
Abstract: PubMed