03 Jun National tuberculin survey in Vietnam
First national tuberculin survey in Vietnam: characteristics and association with tuberculosis prevalence
In this article Nguyen Binh Hoa, together with AIGHD epidemiologists Frank Cobelens and Edine Tiemersma, presents the results of a nationwide survey of infection with tuberculosis (TB) bacilli ("latent TB infection") among children in Vietnam. TB infection was measured by the tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test). The survey was rather unique in that it was done in conjunction with a survey of TB disease ("active TB") among adults in the same households. The results indicate that by the age of 10 years, almost 17% of children had a positive skin test, likely indicating latent TB infection. Infection rates were highest in urban areas, and the risk of infection was 1.6 times increased if there had been a recent carse of TB disease in the household. However, TB infection prevalence appeared to be a poor predictor of the prevalence of TB disease.
First national tuberculin survey in Vietnam: characteristics and association with tuberculosis prevalence.
Authors: NB Hoa, FGJ Cobelens, DN Sy, NV Nhung, MW Borgdorff, EW Tiemersma.
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2013;17:738-44. (June)
Link to abstract: PubMed