07 May A resounding kick-off for INTEREST 2015
May 5th, in Harare, Zimbabwe the Minister of Health the Honourable Dr. David Parirenyatwa opened the 9th International Workshop on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis, and Prevention Research in Resource-Limited Settings and Dr. Tsitsi Apollo presented on HIV in Zimbabwe. The Netherlands Ambassador in Zimbabwe, Gera Sneller, was in attendance. Plenary sessions included key addresses by Peter Kilmarx, Director of CDC Zimbabwe, and Brian Hunter, Director of Save the Children Zimbabwe, on the Lessons learned from Ebola for HIV and vice versa in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. Chewe Luo of UNICEF, New York presented on Progress and Challenges in PMTCT: the unfinished agenda, following the Abbvie-sponsored symposium onManaging HIV in resource-limited settings: Growing the Momentum. AIGHD’s Cate Hankins chaired a rousing Gilead Sciences supported debate Resolved that the continent of Africa is not yet ready to treat hepatitis C. After Richard Koup’s presentation entitled Joep Lange: Lessons learned for young and early career investigators, Pauline Byakika, Doug Richman, and Elly Katabira spoke during a panel discussion Remembering Joep Lange and Jacqueline van Tongeren. Nicole Spieker spoke on behalf of AIGHD and PharmAccess on Moving forward: Building on the Legacy.