
INVITATION We are happy to invite you to attend the public defense by Hanneke Borgdorff of her thesis: The Vaginal Microbiome, Associations with Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Mucosal Immune Response. Thursday 24th March at 10.00 hours. Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, 1012 EZ Amsterdam Promotores: Prof. dr. J.H.H.M. van de Wijgert...

A lot of dedicated speakers at the launch of the Joep Lange Institute this afternoon. Follow the livestream of the Joep Lange Institute inaugural event, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, on picture: W. van Schyndel Joep Lange Institute: Inaugural Event Scientist - Activist - Pragmatist March 15, 2016 From 12:30 Kleine Zaal, Concertgebouw...

Today the International AIDS Society (IAS) announced the appointment of Peter Reiss, MD, PHD as Local Co-Chair of the 22ndInternational AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018). The conference will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 22 to 28 July 2018. “I am deeply honored to serve as the...

Watch the interview (in Dutch) on our national TV Program "VPRO Boeken with Wim Brands". Featuring Steven van de Vijver about his book “Vet Arm, leven in de sloppenwijken van Nairobi”. General practitioner and AIGHD researcher Van de Vijver has been studying the burden of cardiovascular risk factors...

In Dutch: AMC magazine besteedt aandacht aan het promotieonderzoek van Hanneke Borgdorff: meer soa’s door verstoorde flora bij Rwandese prostituees. De kans op een seksueel overdraagbare aandoening (soa) is groot als de vaginale flora verstoord is. Vrouwen met hiv en andere soa’s hebben een groter aantal en...