In collaboration with various partner institutions, we contribute to strengthening research infrastructure at the local level. We train and build capacity among clinical staff, nurses, counselors and lab technicians through the delivery of good clinical practice (GCP) courses and research methods workshops in, for example, Nigeria and Uganda.
We also conduct capacity-building projects such as ARISE (Africa Research Initiative and Support Network) which strengthens sub-Saharan African research and development capacity in the field of poverty-related diseases (HIV, TB and malaria). The project facilitated the construction of four Research Support & Training Centers (RSTCs) in Uganda, Rwanda and Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The RSTCs conduct their own training courses that are attended by thousands of students and faculty staff; provide support services such as the monitoring of clinical trials; and contribute to the development of research policies and guidelines.
We also organize and support national and international scientific conferences, workshops, symposia and debates to exchange and disseminate knowledge and ideas. These initiatives foster further research initiatives and contribute to the worldwide implementation of innovative approaches to global health.