Thomas Roodsant
- PhD Fellow
Thomas Roodsant completed his master in Molecular Life Sciences with a specialization in Biomedical Research at the Wageningen University. In March 2018, he started as PhD student at AIGHD and started with his work on the PIGSs project (Program for Innovative Global prevention of Streptococcus suis). Within the PIGSs project, he focuses on the zoonotic potential of Streptococcus suis and the molecular mechanisms employed by this pathogen to cause disease (meningitis) in humans. The main model that is aimed to be used is an intestinal organoid system. He is especially interested in the molecular mechanisms that non-zoonotic Streptococcus suis need to acquire to become zoonotic and representative organoid models to study this host-pathogen interaction. Additionally, he aspires to perform educational activities as he has already done during his Master.