AIGHD also plays a crucial role in mentoring PhD students from academic institutions students at the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, often in collaboration with academic and research institutions around the world including the Amsterdam UMC, ISGlobal (Barcelona Spain), the Institute for Tropical Medicine (Antwerp, Belgium) and Makerere University College of Health Sciences (Kampala, Uganda). Our research group leaders supervise/co-supervise PhD research projects and provide mentorship throughout the duration of the PhD program, including overseeing the quality and completeness of the research. PhD students are embedded within one of our active research teams in the Netherlands or abroad, in fields such as infectious diseases, chronic diseases and health systems, working collaboratively with internal and external researchers and institutions. The PhD projects result in the defense of a final thesis. In 2020, AIGHD academic staff supervised 55 PhD students.


Lab photo

Photos (top to bottom): PhD Student Hai Nguyen in the lab (2020); Dr. Stephen Duku at his PhD defense (April 2020)