KIAT Guru Evaluation

Evaluation of the Government of Indonesia's KIAT Guru Initiative—Teachers' Performance and Accountability


Kinerja dan Akuntabilitas Guru (“Improving Teacher Performance and Accountability” – KIAT Guru) aims to enable the government to operationalize, test options, and rigorously evaluate the most effective option for reforms to improve frontline education service delivery in rural and remote areas. In 2014 and 2015, KIAT Guru was initiated and piloted at a small scale (hereafter, the Pre-Pilot Phase) by the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction under the Secretariat of the Vice President of Indonesia Office (TNP2K), in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC).


The Pre-Pilot provided the proof of concept for a pilot in 270 remote schools in 5 districts of Indonesia which was evaluated using a randomized control trial. The results indicate that a social accountability mechanism which set indicators and targets for performance with monthly monitoring by a user committee improved activated parents and increased learning by about 0.09 std. In two other groups, the SAM was augmented with an incentive for teachers who received the remote area allowance. Their allowance could be cut based on teacher presence as recorded by a camera in one group or in the other group, on the basis of the overall score received. While the latter yielded similar learning results to the SAM only treatment, the learning improvements in the group with the camera based incentive doubled.


The World Bank provides technical assistance to develop the KIAT Guru programme and its evaluation. In addition, the World Bank supports the subsequent analysis of results. Within the World Bank team, Professor Menno Pradhan is one of the principal investigator for the providing conceptual direction for the intervention and evaluation designs.

AIGHD Research Lead

Prof. dr. Menno Pradhan


World Bank


World Bank

