A Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance

SoNAR-Global activities include:
- Jump-start research collaborations across regions and disciplines, by networking social scientists around the globe, providing them with regional discussion forums, information on infectious threats and AMR, and methodological support;
- Develop, share and scale up new training curricula for social scientists and their partners. The network will arm social scientists and other actors with adapted and tested tools and engagement frameworks, and thus bolster social sciences research capacity and support new, effective approaches to the governance of infectious threats;
- Foster dialogue between social scientists and global policymakers at regional hubs to implement responsive and effective governance models that have been adapted, tested and evaluated;
- Mobilize regional hub thinktanks, meetings, and pilot testing to share lessons learned, and to disseminate effective tools and strategies that embrace inclusivity and enhance preparedness and response efforts.
- Rapidly support the mobilization of social scientists who will contribute to an effective, adapted, coherent response to health crises throughout the world.
- Offer robust expert advice and priority setting, in emergencies and over the long term.
AIGHD staff in particular leads activities regarding networking, communication, dissemination and exploitation package (Hardon/Pell) and capacity strengthening for social science-informed interventions package (De Vries). In addition, staff will also contribute its expertise to the development and pre-testing of Community One Health assessment tools, in the Building a Resilience framework package.
SoNAR-Global is a global consortium led by social scientists who specialize in preparedness and response to infectious disease outbreaks and antimicrobial resistance. Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, SoNAR-Global will build a sustainable global network that will facilitate the participation of the social sciences in global preparedness and response to infectious disease outbreaks and AMR. The project provides a platform for collaboration among social science experts, institutions and existing networks engaged in preparedness and response to epidemics and AMR in Europe and throughout the world.
- Institut Pasteur (coordinator) (France)
- Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development Foundation (NL)
- Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NL)
- The Medical University of Vienna (Austria)
- Mahidol University (Thailand)
- Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Ukraine)
- BRAC University (Bangladesh)
- University College London (United Kingdom)
- Makerere University (Uganda)
- Centre regional de recherche et de formation à la prise en charge clinique du VIH et des pathologies infectieuse (Senegal)
- Institute of Development Studies (IDS) of University of Sussex (United Kingdom)
EC, H2020
The Netherlands