TB Targets

Can we reach the post-2015 Targets in China, South Africa and India?

X-ray in the hands of a surgeon


The TB Targets project of TB MAC (TB Modelling and Analisis consortium) aims to evaluate, using 11 models, whether the scale-up of six (near-) existing interventions and their aggregate will be a sufficient effort to reach the intermediate targets set by the WHO ‘End TB strategy 2016-2015’ in three countries: South Africa, China and India.

The economic evaluation aims to explore whether this scale up is cost-effective, and secondly, what will be the most cost-effective way to achieve these targets (or at least to achieve the largest impact, should the targets not be achievable).


The WHO ‘End TB strategy 2016-2035’ has a vision of a ‘world free of TB (zero deaths, disease or suffering due to TB)’ and the goal of ‘ending the global TB epidemic’ by 2035, defined as an annual incidence of <10 cases per 100,000 of population. Intermediate targets (TB incidence and mortality reduced by 50% and 75% respectively compared to 2015 levels) were proposed for 2025.

AIGHD Research Lead

Gabriela Gomez

Contact info

Gabriela Gomez (g.gomez@aighd.org)


TB MAC (a consortium funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)


South Africa

