Site preparation and capacity strengthening for trials of vaginal microbicides in Tanzania and Uganda

The overall aim is to strengthen and expand the capacity for phase I, II and III clinical trials of candidate vaginal microbicides in Tanzania and Uganda, in order to facilitate the rapid evaluation of new products that, if shown to be effective, would provide a valuable tool for women to protect themselves against heterosexually-acquired HIV infection.
There is an urgent need for effective vaginal microbicides that women can use to protect themselves against heterosexually-acquired HIV infection. Current clinical trial capacity in sub-Saharan Africa is insufficient to test the many new microbicides coming through the development pipeline. This three- year project aims to strengthen capacity for trials of vaginal microbicides in Tanzania and Uganda.
The project will be coordinated by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), which has close collaborative links with the research teams in Mwanza and Uganda. LSHTM staff will provide technical advice on capacity strengthening activities, especially in the areas of data management and laboratory and clinical support, and will advise on the design of the field studies. The AIGHD will provide technical advice and assist with training in data management, GCP/GLP procedures, trial monitoring, clinical procedures and ethical review procedures.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS
National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Mwanza Centre