
Frouke Procee is an experienced and dedicated medical doctor with a specialization in tuberculosis care and control, alongside a background in tropical medicine, family medicine and human rights medicine. Her current work focuses on advancing TB care, control, policy making and research, and is driven...

Carolyn Briody is a PhD candidate with the Department of Paediatrics at the Amsterdam University Medical Center and an epidemiologist with an interest in paediatric health in low- and middle-income countries. She holds a Master of Public Health degree from Columbia University Mailman School of...

Sally Odunga is an economist and  researcher with a profound commitment to tackling the economic, gender, and health challenges faced by vulnerable and marginalized communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Her work is particularly focused on improving the lives of women, young people, and children. Currently pursuing...

Frederike is currently pursuing her PhD at AIGHD under the supervision of Vanessa Harris and Wieger Voskuijl. She is investigating the effect of climate change on the burden of diarrheal disease as part of the SPRINGS project. Her research aims to improve our understanding of...

Charles is a computational scientist working in the SPRINGS consortium, and currently pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Vanessa Harris and Debraj Roy, with the goal of developing an agent-based model to better understand the impact of climate change on diarrheal disease burden.  His research...

Yoel Lubell holds a PhD in Health Economics from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and is a Professor of Global Health at the University of Oxford. He leads the Economics and Implementation Research Group at the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit...

Kelly is a Postdoctoral Researcher specializing in global epidemiology. Her research utilizes hierarchical modelling, spatial methodology, and Bayesian inference to understand the role of vaccination in controlling diarrheal disease and antimicrobial resistance. At AIGHD, she is working with the ROTA-BIOTA project to understand the effects...

Ernst Schäfer is a mathematical modeller working as a postdoctoral researcher at the AIGHD. After obtaining double bachelor and double master degrees in mathematics and physics at the University of Amsterdam he obtained a PhD in mathematical biology from the University of Nottingham. As a...

Pramiti Parwani is a PhD Fellow at AIGHD, and is also based at the Amsterdam Law School at the University of Amsterdam (in the Law Centre for Health and Life and the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG)). Her PhD examines how the...

Gonçalo is a Postdoctoral Researcher specializing in microbial and viral ecology. His research delves into understanding the immense influence microbes have on the health and function of the planet ecosystem using omics approaches.  At AIGHD, he is using state-of-the-art omic technologies and high-resolution longitudinal sampling...