Launch of NCD-info website in Kenya

Kenya NCD-Info is a knowledge-sharing platform for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) in Kenya. The aim of Kenya NCD-Info is to create a one-stop portal for all information related to NCD in Kenya.

Who is the portal for? Researchers, academics and program implementers who want to share their work on NCD; Policymakers and health planners who want quick and easy to access information on NCD in Kenya; Anyone who wants to learn more about NCD in Kenya

Kenya NCD-Info was developed by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) a regional research institution headquartered in Nairobi, with funding from the AMC Foundation through the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development. The website was developed in consultation with the Knowledge Sharing Network for NCD in Kenya which comprises various experts and stakeholders representing the division of non-communicable diseases, Ministry of Health; Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI); department of cardiology; University of Nairobi; Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi; Medicines Sans Frontiers-Belgium; Consortium for Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control in sub-Saharan Africa (CNCD-Africa); NCD Alliance Kenya, among others.

The website was conceptualised by Dr. Samuel Oti and Dr. Steven van der Vijver, both senior researchers at APHRC. Initial content was uploaded by Ms. Myra Khan, MPH. The web design and development is credited to Creative Edge Kenya Ltd.

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