Name and Status
Stichting Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD) is a not-for-profit foundation established under the laws of the Netherlands and has its registered seat in Amsterdam.
The Dutch abbreviation ANBI means “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling”, or Public Benefit Organization. Institutions can only be qualified as a public benefit organization if at least 90% of their efforts are focused on the common good. AIGHD is awarded the ANBI status.
RSIN/Fiscal number and Chamber of Commerce number
RSIN number: 817375296
Dutch Chamber of Commerce number: 34262058
Contact details
Stichting Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development
AHTC, Tower C4, Paasheuvelweg 25
1105 BP Amsterdam, Netherlands
P.O. Box 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 210 3960
General enquiries:
The Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD) is an international research and education institute that works to develop sustainable solutions to major health problems. By taking a problem-oriented approach, AIGHD transcends the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines and integrates three fundamental activities into one institute:
AIGHD was initiated as a partnership between the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC), the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Today, it is a dynamic research and education institute that thrives on intense collaboration among experts from multiple disciplines including biomedicine, economics and social and behavioral sciences. With its interdisciplinary and translational approach, AIGHD addresses the most critical medical, social, economic and political challenges in global health and development that cut across national and political borders.
To realize its vision of achieving access to high quality health care for all, AIGHD closely collaborates with implementing partners and organizations from both public and private sectors around the globe. AIGHD works by linking expertise, resources and programs from organizations involved in health-related research, education, capacity building and policy making, bringing a ‘delivery perspective’ to health research and a ‘quality aspect’ to health care services.
Governance Structure
AIGHD is governed by its Supervisory Board, an Executive Board and Operational Management Team.
Supervisory Board
Board of Directors
Remuneration policy
The ‘DG-norm’ (also called ‘MFS II norm’) was introduced by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of 2009. According to this salary standard, the directors of organizations involved in development cooperation do not earn more than the basic salary earned by a Director-General (DG) at a Dutch Ministry. AIGHD adheres to this norm, and is also compliant with the ‘VFI-norm’ and the Dutch Standard Remuneration Act.
Supervisory Board members are unpaid. They receive no remuneration or expense allowance. They do have the right to request compensation for costs incurred, such as travel expenses or telephone costs.
Report on recent activities
For our recent activities, please view our 2022 Annual Report.
Financial accountability
AIGHD’s financial resources may consist of subsidies, donations, bequests, assets acquired by testamentary disposition and any further revenues.
Audited Annual Accounts