18 Aug Let’s talk about sex with Rwandan youth
A qualitative study of Rwandan adolescents' views on sex and HIV
This qualitative study explored the views and experiences of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV in Kigali, Rwanda, regarding sex, love, marriage, children and hope for the future.
The adolescents reported experiencing similar sexual needs and dilemmas as most other adolescents, but with an added layer of complexity due to fears related to HIV transmission and/or rejection by partners due to their HIV status. The two most discussed HIV related anxieties were how and when to disclose to a (potential) sex/marriage partner and whether or not to have children. Although they struggled with these issues, most agreed that they would find love, be married and have children in the future.
The adolescents desired more discussions from their parents and caregivers on these topics. Strengthening the life skills of HIV-positive adolescents as well as the support skills of parents/caregivers, may not only reduce onward HIV transmission but also improve quality of life by reducing anxiety.
"Let's Talk about Sex": A Qualitative Study of Rwandan Adolescents' Views on Sex and HIV.
Authored by: Van Nuil JI, Mutwa P, Asiimwe-Kateera B, Kestelyn E., Vyankandondera J., Pool R, Ruhirimbura J, Kanakuze C, Reiss Peter, Geelen SP, van de Wijgert J., Boer K.
in: PLoS One, 2014, Aug 5;9(8):e102933. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102
Link to abstract: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2F
Link to PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25093572