09 Sep 8th NCHIV Conference 2014
REGISTER NOW for the 8th Netherlands Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, Prevention and Treatment (NCHIV) on Tuesday 18 November 2014 at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam.
Register now: www.nchiv.org/
"This year's programme will highlight novel insights into HIV pathogenesis and treatment strategies, as well as challenges in providing universal access to treatment for both HIV and HCV." (Peter Reiss, SHM, AIGHD, AMC-UvA)
NCHIV provides an update and platform for discussion of new insights and developments in research on the pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of HIV. The one-day programme has three key elements: a core programme of four sessions on HIV pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and treatment; an extended lunch programme with poster presentations; and four international guest speakers.
Organized by Stichting HIV Monitoring, RIVM, Aids Fonds, NVHB and AMC, AIGHD