10 Sep Implementation of new diagnostics for tuberculosis: Bridging the gap betweeen global policy and local practice
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Authored by: Sanne Christine van Kampen
Thesis Universiteit van Amsterdam
Promotor(s): F.G.J. Cobelens, P.R. Klatser
Date of thesis defense: 10/09/2015
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide with an estimated 9.0 million people who developed TB in 2013, of whom around one-third remained undiagnosed. The release of global guidance on new TB diagnostics has accelerated since 2007, but there remains a gap in local implementation. This thesis investigated the extent of this gap and generated evidence to support implementation of the most recently recommended test for TB and drug-resistant TB, the Xpert MTB/RIF assay. Read more