Category: General Why Vaccinate? Symposium

Why Vaccinate? Symposium

December 18, 2018

The Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development and Health[e]Foundation are pleased to collaborate once again to host a symposium titled 'Why Vaccinate?'. The purpose of the symposium is to update the medical and social science community regarding access to vaccines; the efficacy and safety of vaccines; the latest achievements in vaccine development; and the reluctance to accept vaccines, both worldwide and in the Netherlands. The round table discussion will create a platform to discuss the role of vaccination in public and individual health.

Date: December 18 from 1600-1800
Address: Collegezaal 4, Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC (Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam)

Speakers for the event are Seth Berkeley (GAVI), Stuart Blume (UVA), Roel Coutinho (UU), Jaap van Dissel (RIVM), Jaap Goudsmit (Harvard), and Bas van den Putte (UVA) with an introduction by the Dean of the Amsterdam UMC Hans Romijn.


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