Eric Bartelsman
- Senior Fellow
Eric Bartelsman is Professor of Economics at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam and General Director of the Tinbergen Institute. His research interests are in the area of productivity growth and have led to publications in top journals. He is currently a Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute. The common thread in Bartelsman’s research is the search for drivers of productivity growth and his unifying framework is that productivity growth in a country results from the interplay between productivity growth at the level of individual firms (‘within-firm productivity growth’) and the process of selection and allocation of resources across firms (‘between-firm productivity growth’) (see Bartelsman and Dhrymes 1998; Bartelsman and Doms 2000). This framework provides a toolbox to quantify the effect of economic institutions and policy in boosting productivity.
Previously, he has served as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC, as an advisor to the CPB, Netherlands, and as head of the economic research department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands. His teaching ranges from first-year lectures to Ph.D. seminars. From 2013-17 he was a Research Visitor at the ECB, in 2012-13 he was a non-resident Fellow of DG ECFin, and from 2013-17 he was a Research Visitor at the ECB, and in 2007 and 2008 he was a member of the Netherlands Council of Economic Advisors (REA).