Towards a novel, effective, low-cost Schistosomiasis vaccine for control of infection in endemic countries

The overall objective of NOVOVAC is to develop and license a Schistosomiasis vaccine by 2025, that will prevent infection or re-infection with an efficacy of at least 40–50%. NOVOVAC aims to contribute to paving the way for the introduction of clinical studies in Africa. This will involve activities to overcome the issue of safety, and to confirm the efficacy of the vaccine, as well as the acceptability by the target community.
More than 200 million people in many of the most resource-deprived regions of the developing world are chronically infected with blood-dwelling Schistosoma worms. Infection with these worms can cause chronic debilitating morbidity and causes a massive economic and social burden that is often underestimated. In the NOVOVAC consortium, the groundwork of this feasibility study intends to lay the groundwork for later clinical trials with one or more recombinant vaccine products for schistosomiasis. Additionally, synergies are explored between NOVOVAC and the HOOKVAC consortium. The ultimate goal is to combine an effective vaccine for schistosomiasis with an effective vaccine for hookworm, as there is significant geographical overlap in the endemicity of these diseases. The consortium also takes a highly innovative approach towards the vaccine development strategy, by involving manufactures from low and middle income countries: a new strategy first successfully employed by the HOOKVAC India Partnership (HIP) consortium.
LUMC – Leiden University Medical Center
QBIO – Q Biologicals
SVI – Sabin Vaccine Institute
AMC – Academic Medical Center
UVRI (local partner) – Uganda Virus Research Institute
RVO Durch Entreprise Agency
United States