Sustainable model for cardiovascular health by adjusting lifestyle and treatment with economic perspective in settings of urban poverty SCALE-UP project

The aim of the project is to develop an effective and efficient model to combat cardiovascular diseases in slums.
In order to arrive at a suitable model for combating cardiovascular diseases in slums, the project will focus on the treatment of patients with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and furthermore on changes of lifestyle among the general slum population aimed at preventing cardiovascular diseases in the future.
To this end two clinics will be fitted out with trained staff and necessary materials where patients suffering from high blood pressure may be treated and where others may have their blood pressure measured. In addition a public awareness campaign to promote a healthy lifestyle will be introduced into the community. The concrete approach of these two interventions will be developed on the basis of the analysis and evaluation of earlier projects, earlier studies and additional literature research.
The outcomes of the interventions will subsequently be tested, during which, emphatically, there will be attention to costing and feasibility. On the basis so obtained a model will be developed to combat cardiovascular diseases in slums in the most effective and efficient way. The outcome of this model will be brought to the attention of national and international policy makers, NGOs and other organized interest groups though scientific articles and forums, media and international partners. Thus, the model will be scaled up and be available for implementation elsewhere.
AIGHD Research Lead
Prof. J.M.A. Lange
AMC Foundation