
Authored by: Sien Ombelet*, Jean-Baptiste Ronat*, Timothy Walsh, Cedric P Yansouni, Janneke Cox, Erika Vlieghe, Delphine Martiny, Makeda Semret, Olivier Vandenberg, Jan Jacobs, on behalf of the Bacteriology in Low Resource Settings working group† (With contribution from Constance Schultsz) Journal: The Lancet Infectious Diseases Research Priority Areas: Antimicrobial...

Authored by: Meghna Desai, Jenny Hill, Silke Fernandes, Patrick Walker, Christopher Pell, Julie Gutman, Kassoum Kayentao, Raquel Gonzalez, Prof Jayne Webster, Prof Brian Greenwood, Michel Cot, Prof Feiko O ter Kuile, Journal: Lancet Infectious Disease Research Priority Area: Infectious Disease Elimination

Authored by: Umberto D'Alessandro, Jenny Hill, Joel Tarning, Christopher Pell, Jayne Webster, Julie Gutman, Esperanca Sevene Journal: Lancet Infectious Disease Research Priority Area: Infectious Disease Elimination

Authored by: Bipin Adhikari, Koukeo Phommasone, Palingnaphone Kommarasy, Xayaphone Soundala, Phonesavanh Souvanthong, Tiengkham Pongvongsa, Gisela Henriques, Paul N. Newton, Nicholas J. White, Nicholas P. J. Day, Arjen M. Dondorp, Lorenz von Seidlein, Mayfong Mayxay, Phaik Yeong Cheah and Christopher Pell Journal: Malaria Journal Research Priority Area: Infectious...