16 May Tuberculosis and migration in Vietnam
Increasing Tuberculosis Notification Rates Among Young Adults are Not Associated with Migration in Da Nang, Vietnam.
In this paper Edine Tiemersma, epidemiologist with KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation and AIGHD, investigates the role of migration in the recent increase in tuberculosis (TB) case rates among young adults in Vietnam. Together with researchers from Vietnam she did a case-control study of TB patients in public TB clinics in Danang, Vietnam’s third largest city. Recent rural-to-urban migration appeared not to be a risk factor for TB in the age group 15-35 years. It may however be that migrants with TB do not seek care in the public TB care system.
Increasing Tuberculosis Notification Rates Among Young Adults are Not Associated with Migration in Da Nang, Vietnam.
Authors: Tiemersma EW, Van Duc L, Sy DN, Cobelens FG.
Link to article: The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2013, 7, (Suppl 1: M4) 36-46