
Catherine Hankins, AIGHD, is co-chairing one of three satellites at the upcoming AIDS 2014 conference in Melbourne, Australia that are taking a closer look at voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) scale-up. 'Key Programmatic Challenges of the Acceleration of VMMC for HIV Prevention: Cost, Demand Creation,...

Well-conducted meta-analyses can inform public health policy. They make information accessible for decision-makers, in a summary format that provides a critical overview of the evidence. Poorly performed meta-analyses can mislead decision-makers when, for example, they exclude some studies on purpose, introduce bias, alter original data,...

Professor Joep Lange over Hiv-onderzoek: Het Amsterdam Diner is het jaarlijkse benefietgala van het bedrijfsleven voor de strijd tegen aids. De 22ste editie heeft zeker 500.000 euro opgeleverd. Dat heeft de organisatie zondag bekendgemaakt. Een groot deel van de opbrengst is bedoeld voor het onderzoek...

Tuberculosis is the main opportunistic infection in HIV-infected children, just as it is in HIV-infected adults. Despite this, screening for tuberculosis is not frequently done, due to the absence of adequate diagnostic tools. Combined with late access to antiretroviral therapy, these are missed opportunities in...

On Thursday, February 13 2014, Professor of Public Health Tanimola M. Akande delivered the University of Ilorin’s 142nd inaugural lecture. With his team of researchers, Professor Akande has played an instrumental role in the impact evaluations of PharmAccess health programs in Kwara State, Nigeria.  ...

Making a diagnosis of tuberculosis in a resource-constrained setting is challenging, especially in a population with a marked prevalence of HIV. WHO issued guidelines to help health staff to systematically assess tuberculosis in patients presenting with cough. The manuscript describes how these guidelines work in...

We are very proud to announce that Peter van Rooijen was named 'Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau' (Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau). Lilianne Ploumen, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, presented him with this royal decoration at the 21st AmsterdamDiner, one...

High seroprevalence of HBV and HCV infection in HIV-infected adults in Kigali, Rwanda. HBV and HCV co-infection(s) in HIV patients has negative impact on the outcome of hepatitis and complicates the management of HIV infection. This paper addresses the prevalence and incidence of hepatitis B...

For Whom the Bell Tolls: Isoniazid Preventive Therapy and Tuberculosis Drug Resistance In a Focus paper, Frank Cobelens dicusses the outcomes and implications of a mathematical modeling study by Mills at al in the same issue. Mills' study explores the long-term population-level impact of large-scale...

Long-distance truck drivers are at risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV and have suboptimal access to care. New HIV prevention strategies using antiretroviral drugs to reduce transmission risk (early antiretroviral therapy (ART) at CD4 count >350 cells/μL) have shown efficacy in clinical trials. Demonstration projects are...