
Tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment is free of charge in the public sector in Bangladesh. A large study showed that despite this, a large majority of identified TB patients did not use these services. Instead they “shopped around” between different types of informal health care providers....

Meeting summary report - Tuesday 6 May 2014, Lusaka, Zambia  Rising levels of drug-resistant HIV as a result of the rapid scale-up of antiretroviral treatment programmes in sub-Saharan Africa are a potential threat to the control of the HIV epidemic. To discuss rising levels of drug-resistant HIV as...

Well-conducted meta-analyses can inform public health policy. They make information accessible for decision-makers, in a summary format that provides a critical overview of the evidence. Poorly performed meta-analyses can mislead decision-makers when, for example, they exclude some studies on purpose, introduce bias, alter original data,...

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has transformed HIV infection into a chronic manageable condition and reduces the risk of onward HIV transmission. In light of this, UNAIDS published a document in May 2013 entitled: ‘Ending overly broad criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission: critical scientific, medical...

Professor Joep Lange over Hiv-onderzoek: Het Amsterdam Diner is het jaarlijkse benefietgala van het bedrijfsleven voor de strijd tegen aids. De 22ste editie heeft zeker 500.000 euro opgeleverd. Dat heeft de organisatie zondag bekendgemaakt. Een groot deel van de opbrengst is bedoeld voor het onderzoek naar...

Tuberculosis is the main opportunistic infection in HIV-infected children, just as it is in HIV-infected adults. Despite this, screening for tuberculosis is not frequently done, due to the absence of adequate diagnostic tools. Combined with late access to antiretroviral therapy, these are missed opportunities in...